A Thorough History of JESO
The Entomological Society of Canada (ESC) was founded in 1863 and changed its name to the Entomological Society of Ontario (ESO) in 1871, as explained in Timms (2009). Volume 1 of The Canadian Entomologist was published in 1869. The first volume of ESO was published in 1871 and entitled “First Annual Report on the Noxious Insects of the Province of Ontario”and subtitled “Prepared for the Agricultural and Arts, and Fruit Growers’ Associations of Ontario, on behalf of the Entomological Society of Canada.”
Most subsequent volumes, published once a year, usually in the next calendar year from that stated on the front cover, were entitled “xxth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario”, but it is clear from their numbering that the first volume was the one mentioned above. The latter title continued until the Eight-fifth Annual Report of the ESO 1954 (published in 1955) after which the name changed to “Annual Report of the ES0 Volume Eighty-six 1955” (published in 1956). The name then changed to “Proceedings of the ESO” for vol. 90 1959 Annual Report” (published in 1960). The phrase “annual report” was dropped from volumes 91 on. The final change in title occurred with volume 133 2002 (published 2003) when it became “Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario.” Despite the name changes, the 144 volumes were published without a break since 1871 making JESO the second oldest entomological journal in North America after The Canadian Entomologist. Back issue have been scanned and are available on Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Entomological Society of Ontario websites.
As of 2014, hard copy publication through a commercial printer will cease and any manuscripts submitted to the Editor that pass the referee process (two external referees review all submitted mss) and are accepted for publication will appear in electronic format only. They will be posted for immediate open access on the ESO website. Even though articles will henceforth be published electronically only the format will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future and technical editing will ensure that the front and back cover style will remain. If needed, a few copies containing all the mss published electronically over the calendar year will be compiled and published as hard copy in-house for placement in the ESO archives.
Timms L. 2009. Growing pains: how the birth of the Entomological Society of Canada affected the identity of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario 140: 46–53.
Most subsequent volumes, published once a year, usually in the next calendar year from that stated on the front cover, were entitled “xxth Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario”, but it is clear from their numbering that the first volume was the one mentioned above. The latter title continued until the Eight-fifth Annual Report of the ESO 1954 (published in 1955) after which the name changed to “Annual Report of the ES0 Volume Eighty-six 1955” (published in 1956). The name then changed to “Proceedings of the ESO” for vol. 90 1959 Annual Report” (published in 1960). The phrase “annual report” was dropped from volumes 91 on. The final change in title occurred with volume 133 2002 (published 2003) when it became “Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario.” Despite the name changes, the 144 volumes were published without a break since 1871 making JESO the second oldest entomological journal in North America after The Canadian Entomologist. Back issue have been scanned and are available on Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Entomological Society of Ontario websites.
As of 2014, hard copy publication through a commercial printer will cease and any manuscripts submitted to the Editor that pass the referee process (two external referees review all submitted mss) and are accepted for publication will appear in electronic format only. They will be posted for immediate open access on the ESO website. Even though articles will henceforth be published electronically only the format will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future and technical editing will ensure that the front and back cover style will remain. If needed, a few copies containing all the mss published electronically over the calendar year will be compiled and published as hard copy in-house for placement in the ESO archives.
Timms L. 2009. Growing pains: how the birth of the Entomological Society of Canada affected the identity of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario 140: 46–53.