Monday, November 15 to Thursday, November 18, 2021
JAM theme and vision
Strength in Diversity. The insects are among the most diverse group of organisms on the planet, and entomologists are applying an increasingly diverse toolkit to advance knowledge on a diversity of topics in the field. We are keenly aware of the declines in the diversity of insects that threaten vital ecosystem functions, human health, and our economy. We are also becoming increasingly aware of systemic barriers that preclude many from studying and practicing entomology, threats that likely impact the productivity and ingenuity of entomological research in Canada. Our goal for the 2021 JAM – Strength in Diversity - is to showcase state of the art entomological research on a diversity of taxa, ecosystems and disciplines, and to collectively discuss solutions to enhancing equity and diversity in Entomology.
Meeting Details |
Updates |
Join us for the 2021 Entomological Society of Canada and Entomological Society of Ontario's Joint Annual Meeting.
When: 15 - 18 November 2021 Where: The virtual meeting will be hosted by Showcare. A dedicated virtual meeting website will be announced in the Fall. Dates to know Registration opens: July 5th Early-bird deadline: August 9th Abstract submission deadline: September 13th Click here to become a member of ESO for a reduced registration fee. |
Everyone who submitted a talk or a poster will be able to present at JAM. Click here to download the JAM Schedule
Our IT provider - Showcare - will reach out to speakers, and moderators to schedule speaker/moderator training within the coming weeks. Poster presenters will also be contacted with instructions about uploading their posters on the platform. All other attendees will receive an invitation for the conference website a week before the conference starts. You can order your JAM 2021 T-shirts and hats here. Order now so you can wear your tees during the JAM in November. |
Keynote Speakers
Proposed Scientific Symposia
- Advances in Insect physiology
Organized by Jean-Paul Paluzzi (York University) - Bridging community engagement, entomology and research
Organized by Valérie Founier (Université Laval), Morgan Jackson (McGill University), Véronique Martel (Laurentian Forestry Centre, NRCan), Sabrina Rondeau (University of Guelph), and Catherine Scott (Acadia University) - A new vision for biological control in Canada
Organized by Rose Buitenhuis (Vineland Research and Innovation Centre), Roselyne Labbé (AAFC) and Christian MacQuarrie (NRCan). - Biodiversity of insect pests in Canada: How to monitor and manage them?
Organized by Tyler Wist (AAFC) and Julien Saguez (CÉROM). - Diversity of semiochemical-based pest management
Organized by Maya Evenden (University of Alberta) and Body Mori (University of Alberta) - Innovative and Collaborative Approaches to Conserving Canada’s at-risk Butterflies
Organized by Jessica Linton (Natural Resource Solutions Inc.)
Diversity in Entomology
We plan on hosting several workshops on enhancing diversity and inclusion in entomology, including a workshop on “How to be an advocate for EDI” and “Entomologists on the Margins”
Career Development:
The graduate student representatives of the Entomological Society of Ontario are planning two Career Lunch & Learn panel discussions with professional entomologists from various sectors (e.g. industry, government and academia). A fantastic opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to network and get career advice from experts.
Career Development:
The graduate student representatives of the Entomological Society of Ontario are planning two Career Lunch & Learn panel discussions with professional entomologists from various sectors (e.g. industry, government and academia). A fantastic opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to network and get career advice from experts.
JAM 2021 Organizing Committee
General Chair: Dr. Amro Zayed (York University)
Co-chair and Treasurer: Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University)
Scientific Programming Committee: Dr. Amanda Roe (Natural Resources Canada), Dr. Sheila Colla (York University), Dr. Brent Sinclair (Western University), Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University), Dr. Amro Zayed (York University).
Career workshop organizers: Marlee-Ann Lyle (University of Guelph) and Aleksandra Dolezal (University of Guelph)
Fundraising Committee: Dr. Rose Buitenhuis (Chair, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre), Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University), Dr. Christopher Dufault (Christopher P. Dufault & Associates Inc.) and Geoff Powell (Entomological Society of Canada).
Translation Committee: Dr. Julia Mlynarek (Insectarium de Montréal) and Dr. Roselyne Labbe (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada).
Webmaster: Dr. Kaitlyn Fleming (Trent University)
Co-chair and Treasurer: Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University)
Scientific Programming Committee: Dr. Amanda Roe (Natural Resources Canada), Dr. Sheila Colla (York University), Dr. Brent Sinclair (Western University), Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University), Dr. Amro Zayed (York University).
Career workshop organizers: Marlee-Ann Lyle (University of Guelph) and Aleksandra Dolezal (University of Guelph)
Fundraising Committee: Dr. Rose Buitenhuis (Chair, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre), Dr. Miriam Richards (Brock University), Dr. Christopher Dufault (Christopher P. Dufault & Associates Inc.) and Geoff Powell (Entomological Society of Canada).
Translation Committee: Dr. Julia Mlynarek (Insectarium de Montréal) and Dr. Roselyne Labbe (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada).
Webmaster: Dr. Kaitlyn Fleming (Trent University)