156th Annual Conference
"By observation and experiment: teaching and learning about insect biodiversity"
1-3, November, 2019
Message from the Organizers
We are pleased to invite you to the 156th Annual General Meeting for the Entomological Society of Ontario! The meeting is taking place November 1-3 at the Bark Lake Leadership and Conference Centre, near Irondale, ON. The theme of the 156th AGM is: “By observation and experiment: teaching and learning about insect biodiversity”. Our focus will be to show the necessity to integrate modern techniques with traditional tried and true methods. As specific details of the meeting become available, we will add them below. See you all in November! David Beresford, Kaitlyn Fleming, Sarah Langer, Ayden Ricker-Held and Kathryn Vezsenyi |

Plenary Speaker
David LeGros
I am currently the Senior Park Naturalist for Algonquin Provincial Park, where I have been for 6 years. In the past I held a variety of positions, primarily where the intersections of nature and education meet, in both the public and private sector. Today, I am responsible for educational and interpretive programming, collaborating on park publications, hiring and training naturalists and gathering natural history records in Algonquin. Among my favorite parts of the job is working with enthusiastic staff, learning from them and watching them develop their skills. Sharing Algonquin with the public is truly a dream job; I get to pull back the curtain on this amazing place and give visitors a better look and understanding of it. As a student I completed a diploma in Fish and Wildlife Technician at Fleming College, an undergraduate biology degree at Trent University, including a very formative honours thesis on Nicrophorus beetles in Algonquin with Dr. Dave Beresford, and a MSc at Laurentian University that investigated techniques to mitigate the negative impacts of forest roads on amphibians. I have published a number of peer-reviewed articles on Nicrophorus beetles, amphibians and reptiles, based on academic research and natural history observations. I am also the primary author and editor of the popular Algonquin Park publication, The Raven. I am passionate about protecting natural places and biodiversity, and connecting people to Nature in a sustainable way. I live in Huntsville with my wife, Cortney, and in my time off I enjoy camping, birding, herping, looking at insects, plants - everything is interesting. Never stop flipping rocks!
David LeGros
I am currently the Senior Park Naturalist for Algonquin Provincial Park, where I have been for 6 years. In the past I held a variety of positions, primarily where the intersections of nature and education meet, in both the public and private sector. Today, I am responsible for educational and interpretive programming, collaborating on park publications, hiring and training naturalists and gathering natural history records in Algonquin. Among my favorite parts of the job is working with enthusiastic staff, learning from them and watching them develop their skills. Sharing Algonquin with the public is truly a dream job; I get to pull back the curtain on this amazing place and give visitors a better look and understanding of it. As a student I completed a diploma in Fish and Wildlife Technician at Fleming College, an undergraduate biology degree at Trent University, including a very formative honours thesis on Nicrophorus beetles in Algonquin with Dr. Dave Beresford, and a MSc at Laurentian University that investigated techniques to mitigate the negative impacts of forest roads on amphibians. I have published a number of peer-reviewed articles on Nicrophorus beetles, amphibians and reptiles, based on academic research and natural history observations. I am also the primary author and editor of the popular Algonquin Park publication, The Raven. I am passionate about protecting natural places and biodiversity, and connecting people to Nature in a sustainable way. I live in Huntsville with my wife, Cortney, and in my time off I enjoy camping, birding, herping, looking at insects, plants - everything is interesting. Never stop flipping rocks!

Banquet speaker
Yves Alarie
Yves Alarie is full professor in the Department of Biology at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in systematics from the Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada and spent two years as NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Entomology at the University of Manitoba, Canada. His research involves Hydradephaga systematics with a strong emphasis on larval morphology.
Yves Alarie
Yves Alarie is full professor in the Department of Biology at Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in systematics from the Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada and spent two years as NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Entomology at the University of Manitoba, Canada. His research involves Hydradephaga systematics with a strong emphasis on larval morphology.
Student Competitions
- President's Prize Oral and Poster Competition
- click here to download the judging criteria
- Travel Awards
- President's Prize Oral and Poster Competition
- click here to download the judging criteria
- Travel Awards
Location Images
Thank you to the sponsors of the ESO's 2019 AGM
AGM 2019!
Where: Bark Lake Leadership and Conference Centre 1551 Bark Lake Drive, Irondale, ON, K0M 1X0 When: November 1-3, 2019 Program: Click HERE for the 156th AGM Program Contact Persons David Beresford [email protected] Additional Activities
Information coming soon! Travel Grants for Student Presenters
If you are a student presenting at the conference, please click the following link for instructions about travel grants: TRAVEL AWARD CRITERIA The Entomological Society of Ontario has travel awards available to assist undergraduate and graduate students with their travel expenses related to attendance at the annual meeting. The ESO awards four travel grants worth $400 each! Eligibility: Student members of the ESO who are presenting a poster or a paper at the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Entomological Society of Ontario being held in Irondale, ON are eligible to apply. Only active student members of the ESO who are enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate program will be considered for travel awards. Students may receive only one travel award per degree. Interested students should forward: (1) A title and short abstract for their project; (2) A statement outlining why/how the funds will be used to support their participation in the meeting; (3) A curriculum vitae highlighting past academic achievements, publications, awards and scholarships, and any activities that indicate their dedication to entomology; (4) A letter or email from their supervisor indicating their student status. Please don’t forget to include contact information (phone number, mailing and email address). Deadline for application October 20, 2019. Recipients will be notified as soon as possible. Please send applications to: [email protected] Accommodations
Accommodations will be at Bark Lake Leadership and Conference Centre. They are mostly dorm style, with 2-4 people per room. All accommodations and food are covered in the registration cost. Haliburton has the closest hotel accommodations (a 25 minute drive away). If you choose to stay off site you will still need to pay the full registration fee. |
Membership Registration and Payment
ESO 2019 Conference Registration Details
Registration Costs (includes accommodation and food) Early Registration Deadline: Friday, October 4th, 2019 Student Member Early Registration: $280 Non-student Member Early Registration: $420 Non-member Early Registration: $450 (includes 2019 membership fee) Regular Registration* Deadline: October 21st, 2019 *Regular Registration begins October 5th, 2019 Student Member Regular Registration: $300 Non-student Member Regular Registration: $450 Non-member Regular Registration: $480 (includes 2019 membership fee) (Hint: Student membership is free and non-student membership is cheaper than paying non-member fees:) Please complete the online registration form (click for link) any time and pay either using the online payment system below or by sending a cheque to the society (details on registration form) Abstract Submission Guidelines for the Entomological Society of Ontario 156th Annual Conference (ESO 2019)
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 12, 2019 Standard Oral Presentations are limited to 12 minutes in total. Please plan on 10 minutes for your presentation with 2 minutes for questions. Poster Presentations should be in “portrait” layout; the poster boards are 3’ wide and 4’ tall. Students who are entering a poster in the student competition must send a PDF file of their POSTER by October 26, 2019 to: [email protected] The guidelines for judging oral presentations and posters are HERE Abstracts will be published in the Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Please complete the online abstract form before the October 12th deadline (click for link). BUG EYE PHOTO CONTEST! 2019
Don't forget to submit your insect photos to the BUG EYE Photo contest, an AGM staple, and ESO tradition! Click HERE to see the Winners of the Bug Eye photo contest 2017 Click HERE for a PDF for details. Or the BUG EYE Mainpage Some winners and nominees from the past are shown below! |