4th Annual Batman's Bugfest
On Saturday July 5, join us at Batman’s Cottages and Campground near Sheguiandah on Highway # 6 to learn about butterflies and moths of Manitoulin Island.
The day will start at 10: 00 am in the Recreation Hall with displays and a presentation on butterflies and moths. We will then walk Batman’s trails and fields to observe butterflies and try our hand at catching some. Techniques in preparing butterflies and moths will be demonstrated after lunch. Butterflies and moths collected throughout the day will be prepared for the Batman’s Insect Collection or your own collection. 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Displays and presentations in the Recreation Centre 12:00 – 1:00 pm. Lunch at your own camp site or join us for a $2.00 themed bug lunch 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Preparing butterflies for collections using spreading boards 9:00 to 10:00 pm. Observe night-flying moths using a black light at the Recreation Hall and baiting trees with a sugary liquid. Why not pitch in?
If you're an insect enthusiast and want to get involved with local projects or events that the ESO is running, please send us an email and we would be happy to have your help. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with BUG DAY! Contact: Dr. Joe Shorthouse Email: [email protected] |
If time is something you can't spare, or you can't make the Bugfest event to help out, you can always pitch in, in other ways. You can make a monetary donation that the Society could surely use to offset the cost of Outreach Program days! Every little bit helps. . . . Donate Here . . .
You can donate as much as you like . . . |